Monday, February 12, 2007

Where are the women my age?

Did I grow old?

Disclaimer: Not that I am looking for women, I live togheter with a woman I am happy to live with. This is just a fact that I observed and wanted to rant about.

I have finally started working out again, I've gone back to swimming, once a week, with my good friend Kalms, starting next week we might increse our dose of this sweet drug to twice a week.

Since I don't check up every reader of this web log I cannot know how much you know about me. I used to be an elite swimmer, ranked among the top 100 on 200m butterfly in Sweden for a few years. I had practice 9 times per week back then. Then four years ago I moved away to Linköping to study. Since my life had been quite fucked up for a while then I stoped swimming and gave up other parts of my life at the same time to create a new life.

However, back then one of the things that used to be amusing to occupy my mind and eyes with while paddling back and forth in the pool was looking at bodies. Good looking bodies prefably. Female such. And good looking swim suits. The shape of the human body facinates me (Perhaps I'll ammuse you with rants about that some other time).

Back then I noticed bodies of what I thought was all various ages. There were little girls (not very interesting to look at), girls in their upper teens (the pleasent kind, my age back then), and older women (not very intersting either).

The other day, when we were swimming, I noticed that the age distribution had changed, Now there were only little girls and old women. Nothing to look at that is. Then, since my mind wasn't occupied by anything else byt my own thought it dawned upon me that the age distribution hadn't changed. It was only me who had gotten older. I had never noticed that there never were any women aged 20-30, since I was never interesed in that age group before. But looking back at things, this is an age group that has never been represented, neither female, nor male (except for me that is...). Why is that? Why aren't there any women (or men) aged 20-30 in the swimming pool?

Where are all the women my age?

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